7 tricks to prevent swollen feet during pregnancy

Swollen feet in pregnancy

During pregnancy, it is very common for women suffer from swollen legs and feet. Although it is not an ailment that can affect the baby in any way, it is a very annoying problem that causes a lot of discomfort to the future mother.

Fluid retention and poor circulation are the causes of this problem that affects practically all pregnant women. This ailment is usually accused more andn the last trimester of pregnancy and especially in the summer months.

Why do feet swell during pregnancy?

Suffering from swollen feet during pregnancy is very common, it occurs because the body increases the production of body fluids. Poor circulation causes this increased fluid is retained in the tissues, thus causing swelling in the extremities, especially the feet.

But it is also that the uterus is constantly increasing its size during the months of gestation. What causes a increased pressure on the veins of the pelvis and vena cava. The vena cava is responsible for distributing the blood that goes from the extremities of the lower trunk, towards the heart. The growth of the uterus causes the veins to not be able to fulfill their function and the blood does not flow correctly. For this reason the swelling of the feet occurs.

Although it is very common, you should not ignore this problem

Most pregnant women suffer from swollen feet at some point during their pregnancy. Most commonly, this occurs around the seventh month of pregnancy. Even many women they continue to suffer some time later having given birth. It takes time for the body to rebuild itself, the organs have to return to their normal position, and everything takes time. It must be borne in mind that the changes suffered have been progressive for 9 months.

But that it is something common does not mean that you do not give it its fair importance. There are other symptoms that may be a warning that something worse may be happening. Therefore, knowing them will be essential to be able to identify and treat them as soon as possible.

If in addition to swelling in the legs and feet, you notice swelling of the face, hands and feet in a very sudden way, go immediately to your doctor. These symptoms may be a sign of a serious illness called preeclampsia, something that can have serious consequences for your baby.

Pregnant with swollen feet

Tricks to avoid swollen feet

Finally, we are going to provide you with a series of exercises you can do to avoid swollen feet during your pregnancy. In this way you can reduce the symptoms and the discomfort that this supposes to carry out any day-to-day task.

  1. When you are sitting, move the balls of your feet by moving Gently fingers back and forth. Try to do circles carefully, first with one foot and then the other, in this way you will strengthen the joints.
  2. Lie on your side and lift your top leg, it does not need to go up much, it just goes up and down. Perform this movement several times, then switch sides to do the same with the other leg.
  3. Lying on your back, place your hands under your buttocks and slightly lift your legs. It is about doing movements like when you pedal a bicycle.
  4. When you stand walk a little on tiptoe, raising the heels as much as you can. Hold for a few minutes and then change and do the same but with your heels, lifting the toes as much as you can. You can lean on the wall.
  5. Lying down, both to rest and to sleep, keep your feet up. Put some pillows or cushions under the mattress, so that the legs are at the level of the heart.
  6. Exercise and walk as much as you can, surely your midwife will have insisted a lot on this topic in the classes of maternal education. It is really important to walk, not only to avoid gaining too much weight, but to have good circulation and avoid swollen feet and legs.
  7. Change position regularlyTry not to sit or stand for too long without moving.

Foot massage to avoid swelling

And if after doing all these exercises and taking these tips into account, swelling appears in the feet, there is nothing like a good massage. You can too apply contrast baths, cold water and hot water, which will help you a lot to improve circulation.

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