7 tips to avoid prenatal stress

prenatal stress tips

We all know that excessive stress is not good in general, but worse is during pregnancy for both mother and baby. But what effects does stress have on the development of the baby? How can we avoid prenatal stress? We will solve these and more doubts in this article.

Importance of emotional health

Fortunately, emotional and mental health is being given more and more importance. We know the negative effect of being exposed to excessive stress, it produces anxiety, insomnia, sadness, muscle aches and headaches and you can even suffer a panic attack. It can also make any medical condition we have worse. If we add that it coincides with the gestation of a new life, the damage caused by stress can be much greater, affecting both mother and baby.

Stress in itself and in fair measure is not bad. In its proper measure, it makes us be alert to fulfill a purpose, with a goal. It motivates us to do things well. But we already know that everything in excess is bad and stress could not be an exception. Bad stress produces many unpleasant physical sensations and physical symptoms. as a result of excess adrenaline production.

problems stress pregnancy

Effect of stress on pregnancy

The mother's mental health is very important during pregnancy for the correct development of the baby and its future health. During pregnancy it is necessary to try to be as rested and relaxed as possible so that our body can do its job.

Many times we will not be able to eliminate the source of stress, such as the death of a family member, a layoff, an accident ... or situations that are beyond our control. But there are other situations that we do have the power to control, to what extent the things we live affect us, the importance we give them. It is in those situations where we can do our part to keep stress at bay.

The risks to babies of women who endure high levels of stress while pregnant are mainly: low birth weight and possibility of preterm delivery. The stress hormone cortisol reduces blood flow to the placenta and can induce premature labor. Other studies also link the effect of prenatal stress with changes in the further development of the child and possible learning problems When it is older. The thing would no longer be left alone at its birth, but would affect its future development.

If possible, you should plan your pregnancy at a quiet time. Although as we already know, babies do not come when you want nor can we control external events. We must always try to make our mental well-being the best possible during pregnancy.

We give you some tips so you can put prenatal stress aside.

Tips to avoid prenatal stress

  • Massages. We all know the benefits of massages. During pregnancy you can also enjoy its benefits and relieve tension. It will also help you sleep better.
  • Listen to your favorite music. Music is a powerful relaxant. Listen to your favorite music and dance to get rid of stress.
  • Exercise. Ask your doctor what exercises he recommends for your condition and your month of pregnancy. Gentle exercise like walking has many benefits, it clears the mind and body of many worries and releases hormones of well-being.
  • Take time to yourself. When the baby is born, your time will be his time. Take advantage now to do things that you enjoy doing such as reading, going to the movies, going to the hairdresser ... whatever you like the most as long as you can do it for your condition.
  • Eat a good diet. Eat healthy, stress can make you want more fat and sugar that are also not good during pregnancy.
  • Baño relajante. A good bath has a relaxing effect on the body and mind. You can use bath salts to enhance that effect.
  • Disconnect from work. When your working day is over, make sure that work problems stay at work. Enjoy your free time. If you see that work stress affects you too much, you should go to the doctor for a medical leave.

Because remember ... Your child's life is at stake, it should not be risked.

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