That more and more women are postponing our motherhood is a fact and a reality. And with this also conceiving is no longer as easy as before. Because of this pregnant women through assisted reproduction have multiplied in recent years. Resorting to Social Security is the cheapest option due to the high costs of a private clinic but there are some Requirements for assisted reproduction by Social Security.
What is assisted reproduction?
The cases of infertility or sterility of the couples who wish to have a child are more and more frequent. To put a solution there is the technique of artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization. One or the other will be chosen according to the situation of each couple in particular, and the difficulties that there are to conceive.
La sterility is inability to achieve pregnancy naturally after a year of trying without any contraceptive method and having regular sexual intercourse. And the infertility it would be lan inability to achieve or maintain a pregnancy. In this case, the cases of spontaneous abortions would be included.
One in 10 couples have fertility problems and 1 in 6 have infertility, so it is more common than we imagine.
Intrauterine insemination
This technique consists of depositing a semen sample in the female reproductive tract (uterus, cervix or fallopian tubes). It can be with semen from a donor or a partner. It greatly increases the chances of a pregnancy.
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
This laboratory technique consists of implant a fertilized egg in the woman previously. Eggs and partner or donor eggs can be used depending on the case.
Requirements for assisted reproduction in social security
The economic cost of these fertility techniques (an artificial insemination can cost between 600-1500 euros and an in vitro fertilization between 3000 and 5000 euros) makes the option of resorting to social security very tempting. But due to the high cost involved, there are a series of requirements that must be met in order to access it. Let's see what they are:
- Age. The age limit to start treatments for women is 40 years and 55 for men. This is due to the long waiting times for these techniques that can take up to 2 years. The best thing is to go to 36-37 so as not to be too tight on time.
- Children in common. If there are already children in common, you cannot opt for social security treatment, unless you have some type of serious chronic disease or if only one of the members of the couple has children.
- Problems conceiving. There must be an inability to achieve pregnancy naturally. To verify this, a series of fertility tests are performed on both members of the couple.
- Use of sperm. If sperm from the partner cannot be used with medical issues, sperm banks can be used. Social Security has private banks with anonymous semen donors. If an oncological treatment is to be carried out, the sperm can be frozen for later.
- Number of cycles. It refers to the attempts that are made to get treatment. The number of cycles will vary greatly from one autonomous community to another, although as a general rule the maximum number of times that can be attempted is 3 cycles for in vitro fertilization, 4 for artificial insemination with the partner's semen and 6 if it is sperm from a partner. donor.
- Diseases in patients. Diseases such as HIV, Hepatitis C or another serious inherited disease can be an obstacle to getting fertility treatment through Social Security.
- Special proofs. There are certain tests that are not covered by social security such as egg donation (egg donation) or preimplantation genetic diagnosis.
Because remember ... go to your doctor to analyze your specific situation.