20 phrases about pregnancy that you will like

phrases about pregnancy

"Being a mother is a gift that we have been given." It is another part of those phrases for pregnant women, which with all logic and thought they make any mother feel the moment of gestation with pride. In this transitional stage, a woman's life takes a very significant turn, it is a moment that transforms and fills your state of illusions.

The strength of a pregnancy has inspired great reflections and commemorated phrases, many of them by famous people and others anonymous who have passed into posterity. We have compiled the most beautiful phrases about pregnancy so that they can inspire that moment of magic and happiness.

20 phrases about pregnancy that you will like

  • "There is no way to be a perfect mother, but there are a million ways to be a good mother." Jill churchill
  • Think of pregnancy stretch marks as service marks. Joyce armor
  • "Pregnancy is keeping company inside the skin."
  • "No language can express the power, beauty and heroism of a mother's love." Edwin H Chapin
  • "During pregnancy, the woman gestates to the one who will be her greatest focus of love and dedication for the rest of her life."
  • "Only through pregnancy will you experience heaven and hell at the same time."
  • "Now is your true turning point, you before and after, the miracle of life."
  • "I still don't know you and I already love you madly."

phrases about pregnancy

  • "How something so small can make you feel so big and strong."
  • "A child is 9 months in the womb, 3 years in the arms and a lifetime in the heart."
  • «You are already in my heart and any day in my arms ».
  • "Pregnancy is the irrefutable proof that love is blind."
  • "Pregnancy is such a beautiful thing in a woman's life that it makes me feel like my life is just beginning."
  • “Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It's about deciding that your heart will always walk outside your body.
  • “They say they pity us for having to suffer when giving birth. I pity men, because they will never feel what it is to have life within you ».
  • "With pregnancy my belly is as noble as my heart."
  • “There is no way out of the experience except through it, because it is not really your experience but the baby's. Your body is the child's birth instrument.
  • «In a few days, you will give birth to your other half.
  • "The heart of a mother is a deep abyss at the bottom of which you will always find forgiveness."
  • "The belly of a pregnant woman is extremely small compared to the greatness that lives inside her."

These phrases are for the wonderful moment of the long-awaited day, when your baby has arrived and you feel all those unexpected emotions when having him in your arms:

  • "Giving birth is the deepest initiation to spirituality a woman can have."
  • «9 months dreaming how serious and when I saw you you surpassed even my best dreams».
  • "A baby makes love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, savings smaller, and a home happier."
  • "With childbirth, not only is the child born, but the mother is also born."
  • "Waiting, fear, pain, happiness, love, are all the emotions that a simple woman discovers when she becomes a mother"
  • «Childbirth is the only date where you can be sure that you will meet the love of your life.
  • “Giving birth is an exultant joyous adventure that is not available to men. It is the best creative experience of a woman's life. "

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