10 Things You Should Know About Fertility

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On the subject of fertility there are many doubts, beliefs and myths. It is still a taboo subject, a subject that is not talked about and everything is taken for granted, which creates more mystery and false beliefs around fertility. These wrong beliefs can cause many emotional problems when an infertility problem occurs. If you are looking for a baby or are interested in the subject, we leave you 10 things you should know about fertility. 

More and more couples have fertility problems

It is often thought that they are specific cases, a small percentage, but the truth is that already 17% of couples have fertility problems. And the figure is going up year after year. More and more people have to turn to assisted reproductive techniques in order to have a baby. Do not miss the article "Myths about assisted reproduction", where we reveal many erroneous beliefs about breeding techniques.

Having a fertility problem is not something to be ashamed of. Precisely the fact of not talking to each other makes it taboo and people who suffer from it feel isolated and misunderstood. Talking about the subject in a normal way will help us to normalize it and know what we are talking about.

Infertility is not inherited

Most causes of infertility they are not hereditary. Just because a woman or a man has had fertility problems does not mean that their children have them too.

The causes of infertility in men and women are many and varied, as we saw in the article "Possible causes of male and female infertility." But not all of them are hereditary, although it is true that some genetic diseases can cause infertility but they are not very common.

Sexually transmitted diseases affect fertility

Having had a sexually transmitted disease can cause infertility. What's more, it is one of the main causes of infertility. Diseases such as chlamydia, gonorrhea,… They can leave very serious sequelae even after they have been completely cured.

That is why it is so important to protect yourself from sexually transmitted diseases, and not only because of an unwanted pregnancy or because of the disease, but because it will affect our future.

fertility information

Our weight also influences fertility

Being over or under our weight will affect fertility. That is why on many occasions when looking for a baby, doctors advise losing weight or gaining weight before conceiving. Going to a specialist can help us to achieve our desired weight.

Obesity can cause hormonal imbalances, which are involved in the reproductive cycle. Take care of our weight and lifestyle habits (stop smoking, eat healthy, play sports) is essential to improve our ability to conceive.

Male fertility also declines over the years

Until now it was only believed that the age of the woman affected reproduction but it is already known that this is not the case. The truth is that a man's age also affects his fertility. Over the years, the quality of sperm decreases. Not as markedly as in a woman's ovaries, but it also affects.

In addition, external factors such as stress is an enemy of fertility. People who are subjected to a great level of stress see their fertility affected.

Couples who smoke have more trouble conceiving

As we saw before the habits of life affect fertility in both women and men. Smoking is one of those habits that affect conception.

Tobacco in women affects ovarian quality, chromosomal abnormalities, early menopause and risk of miscarriage. In men, tobacco affects sperm quality and can lead to sperm DNA fragmentation.

Because remember ... infertility affects more couples every day. The important thing is to detect it as soon as possible to remedy it.

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